There is Power in Your Purpose

I have been thinking a lot about purpose and how it impacts our lives. We have more than one purpose and they change throughout life. Purpose evolves as our lives unfold. It is the value you bring to this world.
Purpose is what will get you out of bed in the morning and it will keep you motivated on the difficult days. Living a life of purpose does not mean being rich or famous. It is the realization that your unique gifts and talents are there for a reason, and then reveling in them like the rock star that you are. You go girl. Knowing that your contribution to this world matters creates a zest for life.
Have you ever seen an 88 year old with more vitality than you had in your 30s? Tha is purpose. Purpose is fuel. It is energy. Those folks realize that they still have work to do and a life worth living.
Without a sense of purpose, I cease to live a life of joy. Having a sense of purpose is what drives me to continue to live a life of expansion. Even now in midlife I am learning new things, meeting new people, and chasing new experiences. I want to take it all in and turn around to share it with you.
Please do not get mad at me mamas (I'm a mom too, I get it) but as much as we love our children they are not our only purpose. If you have young children or children with special needs this can be tough. There is grace for us all in each chapter of our lives. Being a parent is all consuming, overwhelming and wonderful all at once, but it is not your only value. Most of us are also daughter, sister, friend, wife, you name it. All of these areas are a part of our purpose and it is vital that we cultivate them.
If we cling too tightly to one area without nurturing the others, change can throw us into a tailspin. Freefallling without a sense of purpose, or worse, giving up on life in general. Lived it. Know it. When my children flew the nest, it took me some time to regain my sense of purpose. I had so much of myself invested in them, but it was time to embrace change. Not always easy, but worth the effort.
Purpose is not just a job or even a family. It encompasses everything that you are. Maybe you are an artist, a marathon runner, or a cookie baker. Anything that sets you on fire and can be shared is a good place to start. Purpose gives both to you and to those whose lives you touch. Purpose is not about making waves or conquering historic fetes. It is about using your gifts and talents to connect with others and impact their lives for good.
What are your purposes?
Guilty of my only purpose was wife, mom, job!
Midlife now…
My purpose consists of connecting spiritually with God and listening.
Reflecting. Walking in nature daily.
My health and focused nutrition for my body! Rescue dog for unconditional love and renewed purpose. Training dog. Walking partner with walking dog. Writer. Reader. Leather artist. Gardner.
Spreading love, kindness and smiles everyday!✌️
Sonya on
It too took me awhile to regain my sense of purpose after my last babes left the house. I really struggled finding it. I kept praying and waiting for God to show me. It feels good being on the other side after such a seemingly dark time. Thank you for writing this 💖
Sue Acker on