Self-doubt the Dream Crusher

We have all felt it at some point in life, self-doubt, that dream crusher. If you have ever felt the tug of a dream or the call of God, odds are, you have also dealt with self-doubt. It keeps us from stepping out in faith and steals our dreams before we can even verbalize what they are.
Self-doubt is deeply connected to the fear of failure. If we are unafraid to make mistakes, self-doubt loses its grip. I know this is true for men and women alike, but I do think it looks differently for women. As women we not only have to deal with self-doubt and the fear of failure, but we also have the added "girl" thing.
What "girl" thing?
Women have made so many strides towards fair treatment and equality. Yet, we oftentimes struggle with the idea of whether or not it is right for us to succeed. We are unsure if is it appropriate for us to shine brightly or stand out. So many women have a heart to serve, and that is a good thing. But, that does not mean that you were not given a dream and a purpose to fulfill.
As women, we can often be our own worst enemy. We judge each other to justify our own journey and choices. We are hard on ourselves and each other.
Not only do we doubt ourselves and fear failure, we also fear the judgements of other people. It is the afterburn of failure...judgment.
How Do We Get Over it?
To move past these obstacles we must shift our perspective.
Yes, we make mistakes and yes there will be times that we fail. But so what? What's the big deal? Who sold us on the idea that mistakes or even failure are bad things? Outside of skydiving or snake wrangling (or other life-threatening activity i.e. waking your sleeping teenager) making a mistake will not kill you. If you fail, you surely will not die, even though it may feel like it.(I'm coming at you from experience on this one.)
I have a radical thought. What if the mistake was the plan? What if we needed to fail at something to learn valuable lessons? What if the experience was a vital part of our growth? Our lives are meant to be a journey full of growth, change and impact. It is not possible to accomplish anything noteworthy without taking risks. There always comes the point of risk. We choose whether or not we will walk forward and open ourselves up to new possibilities.
Risks Are The Doorway To Reward
Self-doubt is a sad reason to stay in the beginner box of life. Learn to push doubt and fear aside. Realize that even if you make a mistake, it is a part of your purpose to say yes to the dreams you have in your heart.
What do you say? Will you join me? Let's commit to answering the call of our hearts no matter the risks. Together, we can silence self-doubt by saying yes to our purpose.
This is timely. Thank you for this💖
Susan Acker on